Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar
Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8
Sími 564 5040
Giulio Iacchetti
“Every time I immerse myself in a new project, I ask myself what it means. For me designing is about giving a meaning and if the design is renewed, meaning is given to the project and the product itself. This is what happened with Dalton; the innovation lies in the new way of constructing and assembling it”. Giulio Iacchetti
Dalton underpins a collection of seats: chairs with low back, high backs, lounge chairs and stools, all featuring an inedited construction principle. The innovative assembly system features two “bridges”, one for the front legs and one for the back legs, plus a frame that joins them together. Three easily-assembled pieces to which the seat and backrest are attached with just as much ease. The resulting design is linear, formally clean and the very effective simplification in its construction translates into a tangible, almost graphic look.
Wood is a defining feature of the collection, to the extent that it has been used for the seat as well, where the strip of wood between the seat and backrest is not just an aesthetic detail, but constitutes the bridge of the back legs and is, therefore, an integral part of the architectural construction. The wood chosen for the collection is ash, a sturdy, yet lightweight, flexible wood, with distinctive veining which makes each piece unique and one-of-a-kind.
Vörublað fyrir Dalton vörulínuna hér
Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar
Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8
Sími 564 5040
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