The Aeris 3Dee is the perfect ergonomic office chair for greater well-being, more energy and balance while working in the office.
Thanks to its three-dimensional flexibility, it allows free movement in all directions when seated and thus promotes active sitting.
The comfortably upholstered, half-height backrest with individually adjustable lumbar support is ideal for conscious relaxation in between work.
The office chair without armrests is also infinitely height-adjustable.
From the executive chair to the simple office chair – with the different fabric covers and frame colors, every 3Dee variant can be an eye-catcher in the office.


Heimasíða framleiðanda þar sem hægt er að fara í “Configure Product” til þess að sjá stólinn í ýmsum áklæðum og litum í boði.



Sethæð: 42-56 cm.
Fóthringur þvermál: 73 cm.
Breidd og hæð baks: 46 cm
Seta breidd: 48 cm.
Seta dýpt: 40-44 cm.
Heildarhæð: 111 cm.
Hámarksþyngd notanda: 120 kg.
Þyngd: 20 kg.


Framleitt af Aeris
Framleiðsluland: Þýskaland
Tæknilegar upplýsingar



Sethæð: 42-56 cm.
Fóthringur þvermál: 73 cm.
Breidd og hæð baks: 46 cm
Seta breidd: 48 cm.
Seta dýpt: 40-44 cm.
Heildarhæð: 111 cm.
Hámarksþyngd notanda: 120 kg.
Þyngd: 20 kg.


Framleitt af Aeris
Framleiðsluland: Þýskaland
Tæknilegar upplýsingar


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