Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar
Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8
Sími 564 5040
Marc Sadler
“Working with a typically industrial material, which has its own innate elegance, I designed a seat taking inspiration from the creation of some of the great engineering works: In fact, Shade is a micro architecture of steel tubes and wire that have been welded together to create a graphical and optical woven effect.” Philippe Nigro
Philippe Nigro has designed a family of metal seats for Et al.. Shade was created using the welded steel wire technique which gives the entire project a clean and minimal silhouette as well as an original graphic pattern that characterises the seat and backrest and changes depending on the viewing angle. The harmony of the solids and voids also gives it a really light feel, which naturally transmits to the surrounding environment.
Vörublað fyrir Shade vörulínuna hér
Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar
Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8
Sími 564 5040
Þessi stóll er framleiddur af Et-al. Vottanir Et-al eru ma. þessar: