The new W-1960 family with the W-2010 bar stool beautifully combines tradition and modernity. Their striking look in graphite-black gives the chairs a unique character.
Indoors or outdoors – completely made of aluminum, this series masters all challenges.
Entirely made of wood by hand. As a result, the models are extremely durable yet feel comfortable and warm to the touch. Whether with a natural exposed wood surface or painted in defined RAL colors.
A chair that immediately makes you want to spend social hours with friends. The W-1960/W-2010 is the epitome of a chair and bar stool and has always stood for quality and durability. Made for the hospitality industry, but also for the home or anywhere else.


Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar

Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8

Sími 564 5040



Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar

Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8

Sími 564 5040


Þessi stóll er framleiddur af Wagner. Vottanir Wagner eru ma. þessar:

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

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