Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar
Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8
Sími 564 5040
“As casual lounge furniture or an elegant dining chair, the W-Cube is an absolute all-rounder”
Dondola® the groundbreaking invention:
Wagner’s first and proven design of the Dondola® seat joint provides an exceptionally good seating experience. The unique component underneath the seat contains clever mechanics with advanced materials and decouples the rigid connection between the seat and the chair base. In this way, the flexible joint ensures that the body is effectively stimulated into gentle micro-movements while sitting.
Hafðu samband við sölumann Hirzlunnar fyrir frekari upplýsingar
Hirzlan – Skeifunni 8
Sími 564 5040
Þessi stóll er framleiddur af Wagner. Vottanir Wagner eru ma. þessar:
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